Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

6 Pesepakbola Muslim Real Madrid


1. Karim BenzemaSpoiler for Benzema:Karim Benzema (lahir di Lyon, Perancis, 19 Desember 1987; umur 23 tahun) merupakan seorang pemain sepak bola muslim berkebangsaan Perancis keturunan Aljazair yang kini membela klub Real Madrid. Sebelumnya dia pernah bermain di klub Lyon sebelum dia pindah...

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jenis hamster lucu


nih gan mcm2 hamster yg ad di dunia gan,,,lucu2 loh gan hamster'a,,,let's cekidot mcm2 hamster,, Spoiler for HAMSTER SIRIA (Mesocricetus auratus):ditemukan pertama kali pada thn 1930 oleh I.aharoni, seorang profesor zoologi universitas habrew, yerusalem.hamster ini pertama kali ditemukan dalam...

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What is post-rock?


Of late years we hear more and more often about such style as post-rock. Step-by – step it is growing very fast, gaining new fans, penetrating into our life. That is why it is necessary to clarify what is it and what is the site devoted to.What is post-rock?In the first...

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Maxell releases the MXSP-U40, a new pair of Speaker dock for iPod and Walkman


Today Maxell announced in Japan a new Series of Speaker Dock the MSXP-U40 with incorporated LED light for your basic nightstand needs that are available for both iPod/iPhones and even Sony’s Walkman compatible with the company WM-PORT. These new speakers comes with a 0.8W total output and can be...

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Looks Like Batman Hired Puma to Make Him Some Sneakers


Apparently Bruce Wayne needed some shoes to go with his business-casual wardrobe. But when your business is being Batman, even "casual" has to be intense.Okay, so these aren't actually a prop fromThe Dark Knight Rises or anything like that. They're actually a part of Puma Creative Director Hussein...

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Panasonic introduces the world lightest 3D Glasses


Here you are the new TY-EW3D Series from Panasonic that claims that its new models are the world lightest 3D glasses available with just 26g in total in its S and M version while the L Version with its 27g seems to be as “heavy” as other models on the market. But since a good news never comes alone,...

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New Lithium Battery Tech Can Stand the Heat


Li-Ion batteries were a massive technological step forward from NiMH cells but were not without faults of their own—like their tendency to explode. A new Lithium-Imide technology from Leyden Energy, however, send Lithium-Ion the way of NiMH.The problem with traditional Li-Ion batteries is that they're...

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Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Mengganti Domain Blogspot Dengan Domain Gratisan


Ingin mengganti domain dengan domain lain, tetapi belum mempunyai modal untuk membeli domain premiun? Jangan kwathir, anda tetap bisa mengganti domain, tanpa bayar alias FREE. Kali ini WwdQ memberikan rekomendasi domain gratis yang bagus yaitu domain .Co.Tv . Sudah banyak senior-senior...

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Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Masjid Baru Terbesar di Berlin

0 - Muslim Berlin memiliki memiliki masjid baru yang mampu menampung 1.000 jamaah. Masjid itu merupakan masjid kedua terbesar di Jerman, setelah masjid di kota Mannheim yang berkapasitas 2.500 jamaah. Kompleks masjid di Berlin dibangun di lahan seluas 5.000 meter dengan biaya 12,5 juta dollar...

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Ciri Ciri Fisik Gadis Masih Perawan


Pasangan hidup adalah salah satu hal yang amat menentukan terbinanya kehidupan sakinah wa rahmah didalam keluarga. tentunya selain ketaqwaan, nasab (garis keturunan) dan memiliki sedikit harta (bukan dalam artian matre), kecantikan serta keperawanan seorang gadis sangat dianjurkan dan menentukan dalam...

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