Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

How To Cure Sex Addiction


A sex addict is always obsessed with sex and has a myriad of unbridled sexual experiences. Although, they know there are a number of negative consequences of their addiction. Until now, not yet known whether this addiction is derived from physiological factors, psychological, or a combination of both. Generally, addicts have a complicated history of sex and sexual experiences that made him feel guilty, inferior, and depression. Other psychological disorders, such as bipolar disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder also often be the cause.

If you are addicted to sex only with a partner, may not be a problem. However, when addicted to sex you’ve begun to “disturb” you or anyone around you. Here are some tips for you to cure sex addiction:
1. Consult with psychiatric
When sex is psychologically disturbing you, we recommend that you seek a psychotherapy. Psychotherapy can treat addiction and negative feelings. You better choose choose an experienced therapist in compulsive sexual behavior.
Through psychotherapy, you will receive special treatment for sex addiction in private or group, just inpatient and outpatient, to programs that are available. However, if your sex addiction severe enough to interfere with other people, it is recommended for the hospitalization in the beginning.
2. Get help with drug
Perhaps some psychiatric drugs can treat you psychologically addicted to sex. Antidepressants, particularly the SSRI (Selective Serotin Reuptake Inhibitors), which is often prescribed for sexual addiction, like depression which is a common problem. Anti-anxiety drugs and mild dose of sedative may also be able to minimize the addicted feeling in your head. Anti-androgens are also unreliable, because it is capable of inhibiting sex hormones and reduce turbulence. Also Naltrexone, which are conventionally used for drug and alcohol addicts.
3. Attend a group discussion
If you show progress as you heal sex addiction, perhaps the most appropriate next step is to refer to the SHGs. It is necessary to prevent relapse. In the United States, there are Alcoholics Anonymous as an example. This group usually presents 12 integrated programs to its members so they are not relapsing their sex addiction.
In addition, there is also a Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA), Sexaholics Anonymous (SA), and Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA). In meetings, you are welcome to share and discuss about sex addiction that you experience. That way, you will receive support from other friends who can make your heart and your sexual life more calm and happy.
Celebrities also suffers from sex addiction too, read on Celebrities And Their Sexual Addiction

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